Internet guide
For quick help, take a look at the list of
Frequently Asked Questions.
The place, of all places, to find out everything about Internet is USENET,
also known as the newsgroups. You can read these
newsgroups with your WWW browser, but you are recommended to use a
dedicated newsreader for this instead.
For starters, you could take a look at:
- cuci.help, the local newsgroup for questions
and answers about Internet in general. If you pose your questions here,
fellow users can benefit from the answers as well, or might even be able
to answer your questions. And, who knows, maybe you can pitch in now
and then by helping someone resolve a problem that you have already
solved yourself a while ago. Don't hesitate to post your question in
English, German or Dutch in any of the cuci.* local newsgroups.
- news.newusers.questions, the
worldwide newsgroup for questions and answers about Internet in general.
- An unformatted list of newsgroups with